Our mission

Our mission is to invest and build ecosystems in emerging technology frontiers, driven by the core values of resilience and connectivity.

Since its inception in 2019, Republic Capital has grown its AUM to over $650M, deploying $615M across more than 170 portfolio companies. We have returned $150M back to investors. 

Drawing on our experience in backing notable companies such as Klarna, Carta, Robinhood, SpaceX, and Firefly Aerospace, our new R/Capital Venture Fund I, is dedicated to investing in predominantly US-based companies primed to scale past the cusp of commercialisation.

Please click here (password: rcapital) for a full schedule of investments.*

*Please note, this document does not form part of this financial promotion. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

What we do

We are in the early stages of a geopolitical paradigm shift. The US's global technological lead is evolving, innovative technologies are now emerging from various countries,  and we now find ourselves on the cusp of profound change. This requires a new approach to investment. 

R/Capital Venture Fund I is committed to supporting industries that demonstrate stability and adaptability amidst these geopolitical shifts, ensuring sustainable growth and value creation in a multipolar world.  Republic Capital’s flagship Venture Fund I will strategically invest in several areas, including: 

1. Space advancement

2. National security

3. Energy resiliency 

4. Manufacturing capacity

Leveraging our extensive experience in frontier technology investing, Republic Capital is positioned to optimise the opportunities in private markets as we navigate this newly unfolding global landscape.